“To be honest I had no real idea what I wanted to do for work, so figured I’d have a go at welding.”
I started out making a lot of our smaller trailer parts and components but quickly realised how much I loved making things with my hands.
When I first started at Domett I was one of only two females working on the factory floor which was a bit scary to start with. Domett have great systems and processes in place though, as well as an open-door policy to make you feel like you are being heard and supported.
Four years on and I’ve now finished my engineering fabrication apprenticeship through Toi Ohomai and have been given a team leader position in our standard trailer manufacturing line. Moving into a leadership role has been an adjustment but I’m loving having extra responsibility and although it can be a bit terrifying at times, it’s also exciting getting to make decisions.
If you are like I was and unsure what you want to do as a career, then I would just give everything ago as you’ll find something that speaks to you. I never expected to enjoy what I do so much, but I’m really passionate about it now and love making something awesome out of nothing and seeing a truck trailer combo I helped build leave the factory.

Georgia Porter
Welder Fabricator – Repairs
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